3 simple steps to improve your life
2020 was arguably the hardest and most difficult year of my life. Whilst dealing with a pandemic, I had a lot of personal things going on including a relationship breakdown, losing friends forever through both deaths and through friendship breakdowns, amongst a lot of other difficult issues that I either have delved into a bit before or are too personal. 2021 has been a life changer, I am happy, I am finding my groove, and whilst things aren’t always easy and I am a little stressed about my future, life is good. I have made a bunch of lifestyle changes and initiated actions that I didn’t do in 2020 (or previously), and whilst there is a bunch of lifestyle changes I still need to make to be a better person and enjoy life more, here are 3 steps/actions that I believe can be applied to everyone to improve your life.
Achieve Mindfulness
Okay so this is so cliche, but living in the moment and doing some heavy breathing can be life-changing. Taking some deep breaths every day is something I’ve done for about 85–90% of days this year, and just bringing myself back in the present moment has been incredible. Everyone is sick of people saying “try meditation”, but it can truly be so rewarding.
Listen to a Podcast (And start one yourself?)
Before this year I never had listened to podcasts. That changed this year and now I listen to podcasts regurarly, switching between listening to music or listening to a podcasts when I’m having down time, at the gym, driving, etc.
There are so many good podcasts out there, just search what you are looking for and you will be surprised how much you enjoy it. The most rewarding thing about them is you will find podcasts about topics you are passionaite about and relate to you, and this can make you feel really content with life. There are so many podcast topics varying from mental health to sport to comedy. Give it a try! I even started my own podcast from being inspired by others (You can find that by searching up the Zero Barriers Podcast).
Talk to someone if you feel flat
I have always been an open book, yet last year, for some reason in which I still don’t understand, I closed off and when I had problems I didn’t really utilise the support network I have and that is available to me. This year I changed that, I am again more open and at the start of the year started seeing a psychologist again to get me back on track.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a psychologist — you can talk to friends, family or even someone random over the internet — do whatever suits you and utilise what you have and what is available. Research has shown that people who are open and freely express themselves to others tend to be happier and healthier, both mentally and physically. Why not try it out?
Whilst these are simple, I have found them to be effective — especially in dealing with the pain that I suffered from 2020.
I hope everyone has a great June, I will be back sometime in June for my next monthly blog.
All love — Eli.